Kareena Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

New Day Surgical Unit


Kareena Private Opens New Day Surgical Unit

Oct 26, 2010

A new day surgical unit has now opened at Kareena Private Hospital completing stage one of a major redevelopment program currently underway at the hospital.

The first endoscopy procedure was carried out on 1st November 2010, in the new unit by Dr Alastair Tait one of the talented team of seven Gastroenterologists credentialed at Kareena.

Hospital CEO Tim Daniel said he was delighted that this new state-of-the-art endoscopy facility would now be available to the people of the Sutherland Shire. 

“We have brought together the latest technology with a brand new procedural operating room and patient support areas meaning that our patients can now experience the very latest day surgical facility in Australia,” Mr Daniel said.

“There is nothing like the a new work area to really give your mind a make over, the team are very happy to be working in a special purpose built area of the hospital and their input into its layout has been invaluable.” 

At Kareena Private Your Health….Is Our Life

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