Online Admission Form
Welcome to our online admission form. This form will allow you to fill in the relevant details required by the hospital for your admission, in the comfort of your own home or office. You can be assured of confidential transmission of your personal information with all information secured by 128-bit SSL encryption technology.
Please have the following ready when you fill in your admission form:
- Personal/ Next of Kin details
- Medicare Card
- Funding details (eg DVA, Private health insurance, workcover or self funding)
- Benefit details (eg pharmacy benefit card or pension card)
- Item numbers if these were quoted by doctors rooms
- Information your doctor supplied to you re implantable medical devices (eg prosthetic and disposable)- if applicable.
If you have any concerns with the online admission form please telephone 02 9717 0000 between 8:30am and 5:00pm or send an email to