Kareena Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Kareena Private Hospital specialist Juliani Rianto

Dr Juliani Rianto

Rehabilittion Specialist

Dr Rianto is a Rehabilitation Physician. On admission to Kareena Private Hospital Day Rehabilitation program, Dr Rianto will assess patients for goal set up, medical review and functional review.

Dr Rianto is a rehabilitation physician. Dr Rianto works at the Kareena Private Hospital Day rehabilitation program.

Kareena Private Hospital provides a day rehabilitation program for patients including those who are post-operative hip or knee replacement and post spinal surgery. Other patient that can be admitted to a day program, include those with back pain pre or post-surgery, mobility and functional impairment with or without history of falls.

On admission to the Day Patient program, patients will be assessed by Dr Rianto for goal set up, medical review and functional review.

A referral from GP and specialist is required, the program length  for each individual patient will be determine following initial assessment.

For more information on referral to the Day Patient program please visit http://www.kareenaprivate.com.au/Our-Doctors/How-to-Refer-a-Patient




Chronic and post operative Pain management, Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, Stroke Rehabilitation, Neurodegenerative rehabilitation, Adult with Developmental and Intellectual Disability